
The Hirschen in Oberstammheim is a historic inn located in the Zurich Weinland. The house – used as an inn since 1786 – is part of an ensemble of several buildings that is considered a cultural asset of national importance. But let us briefly present the various buildings:

The Main Building, Built in 1684

The main building with its restaurants and kitchen, three historic hotel rooms, and a private flat. The striking half-timbered building is protected by the Swiss Confederation. 

As part of the renovation of the entire Hirschen ensemble, the following measures were taken: installation of a new restaurant kitchen in the cellar, installation of a gastro exhaust-air system in the former fireplace chimney, and restoration of the 6 Renaissance doors on the 1st floor, built in 1564.

House Wyttenbach, Built in 1564

Until its complete renovation, the former farmhouse was hardly used anymore. Since May 2017, the building now comprises six double rooms with bathrooms, the Wyttenbachstube or Wyttenbach Lounge with its restored tiled stove, and the garden room used as a seminar and lounge. The building was gently added to the garden, so that the former exterior wall now forms an exciting interior façade. On the 1st and 2nd floors, the original wattle-and-daub wall has been exposed and is now visible. Almost all doors and the entire panelling are historic. 

The Barn

The barn houses functional rooms. For the hotel operation, these include the staff changing rooms, a laundry, and storage rooms. Six modern, spacious horse stalls are available to guests. In addition, a pellet heating system was installed (with pellets from Unterstammheim) that heats all the buildings. The entire building has been thoroughly renovated. 

The Wine Press

Only some specific repairs were carried out as part of the renovation. 

The Stable

The former horse stable was turned into a breakfast room and foyer for the Hirschen Stage. The former hayloft was converted into a theatre and banqueting hall and equipped with modern technology. Along with the open barn (with its large exit towards the courtyard), this has created an interesting and versatile location.

The Surroundings

All around the buildings, the surroundings with the gardens and gravel places were renewed and a children’s playground was established.